If you are interested in becoming a. yearbook staff member, here are some things to take into consideration. Yearbook requires dedication and time management skills but can also be very rewarding. To know that you and your fellow students put time and effort into creating the yearbook is all worth while. The yearbook is 100% created by students for students and everyone loves cracking open the yearbook the day they get it. |
For Upcoming 6th graders 6th graders have a different situation if they are interested in becoming a part of the yearbook staff. Generally, your 5th grade teacher will request that you be in the yearbook class. They will request you if they have noticed that you have exceptional skills in either writing, creativity, work ethics, responsibility, and or team work. If you really have your heart set on this class and want to be sure that you are considered a position you might want to talk with your 5th grade teacher. You could ask your teacher if he or she would consider recommending you for the class. This would not guarantee a spot but most likely help your chances.
For Upcoming 7th and 8th graders To get into the yearbook class in 7th and 8th grade you must fill out an application include information about you. This application will include questions like: why are you interested in being a staff member, what are your skills in this area, etc. The application can be picked up in Mrs. Spangler’s room portable F. When you pick this up there will also be evaluation papers for each of your 6th or 7th grade teachers to fill out. As you give them to your teachers let them know that you are interested in becoming a yearbook staff member and the will fill out the form and turn it into Mrs. Spangler. Our yearbook editor (Mrs. Spangler) will then choose out of the applications about 20 7th and 8th graders next year. |